The special design of a temperature control module skid for a pharmaceutical vessel jacket application.
Due to restricted space on the customer site, the requirement for this skid design & build system was to fit a lot of equipment into a small footprint. The system is designed to supply glycol at 50C to a pharmaceutical vessel jacket.
To achieve this, the duty and standby shell and tube heat exchangers were elevated up to the comfortable working height to aid tube bundle removal by overhead crane, and hence the circulation pumps and all other regularly accessed items were able to be mounted underneath, keeping the base of the skid narrow in size.
In addition, by mirroring (left-handed and right-handed, as it were) the nozzles on the heat exchangers, ESI were able to maintain a walkway through the centre of the skid to allow maintenance access to this equipment from both sides.
For further information, send us a product enquiry or contact Alan Venner at ESI in UK: +44 1633 877505; or Ireland: +353 21 4510900